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Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo

Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology (i.e. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo) (ISSN 0351-4285) is an academic journal that was established in the 1970s. In its 40 years of continuous publishing, and in its more than 250 issues, ČKZ has introduced its Slovene and international readership to a multitude of various social and humanistic topics. Over the years, ČKZ has become an indispensable part of Slovene academic life and articles published in the Journal are seen as forming a canonical scientific-academic literature.

The editorial board consists of an interdisciplinary collective of scientists and researchers working in the fields that are covered by the journal, which include, bur are not limited to: political sciences, philosophy, sociology, literary, cultural and postcolonial studies, as well as ecology, new social movements, feminism, queer theory, film theory, and critical media and communication studies.

See the editorial board of the journal

ČKZ is aimed at a critical scientific analysis of different scientific fields, as well as critiques of dominant scientific methodologies, theories and discourses. Where necessary, such critiques can also entail broadening the actual discursive limits to what is otherwise understood as standard academic writing, thus allowing arguments to be conducted within other styles, genres and forms.

ČKZ also fosters specific methodological and editorial collaboration between already established academics and emerging ones. Occasional guest editors allow ČKZ to develop further empirical research and deepen interdisciplinary approaches between the social, humanistic and natural sciences.

The journal is publicly co-funded by the national Ministry of Culture and the National Academic Research Agency.

JAK RS - Javna agencija za knjigo republike Slovenije ARRS -  Slovenian Research Agency